Clean up tasks after class 1. Delete any launch configurations and autoscaling groups 2. Delete any Elastic Beanstalk applications you dont intend to keep 3. Delete any created dynamodb, rds and storage instances you dont want 4. Delete any EC2 instances you no longer want or at the least stop them 5. Delete any key pair files off of the desktop 6. Delete any key pairs you dont need 7. Delete any Cloudformation templates and stacks you dont intend to keep 8. View all of the above in multiple regions to ensure you dont have instances you dont know about. 9. Create a billing alarm to notifiy you of any charges incurred in aws with a parameter of dollar amount greater than zero. 10. Delete any non used load balancers, vpcs and subnets Dont forget your evaluation:) You will recieve your certificate of completion as a pdf file in your email within a few days.